Keep making it better.

Leading Web Studio expertly crafts, constructs, and oversees websites for businesses adept in technology.

One Primary Service: A Better Website

Obviously, that can mean be exact, I:

  • Help figure out where your website is functional it is or is not, how it's performing etc. This is my Website Audit & Strategy service. 
  • Complete a Content Audit. I will review every piece of content on your website and make a list of improvements. This can be completed with the Audit & Strategy Service for an extra fee. 
  • Design a new website layout and templates for you in your brand colors & style. 
  • Incorporate or develop best-of-breed website functionality. 
  • Either migrate your content for you or teach you and your staff how to complete the migration. Either way, I support you through the process. 
  • Test your website on multiple screen sizes
  • Launch your website and ensure its correctness
  • Work with you monthly after the launch of your website to monitor analytics, metrics, and your users' website behavior. From that data and information, we'll consistently improve your website over time. 

I work extremely closely with my clients to provide website planning and support before starting on the design and development of the actual website. LWS lays out a solid base for your site. We then move forward with building your website using the latest methodologies, practices, advanced development techniques & world-class design.

My Process

1. Website Audit & Strategy

This is the first step and costs $500. First, I'll complete an audit of your website. You'll answer a lot of questions about your goals as an organization, what you'd like your website to contribute to your company, that sort of thing. I want to know what your goals are! After the audit, we'll hop on a Zoom call and discuss the results, my recommendations & the best path forward. 

2. Requirements...

Sometimes you just need a simple site...sometimes you're just getting started as a company or have simple goals. When you don't need a complicated, time consulting proposal process, website build, timeline -- you want my ZeroBS Website design package.

For everything else -- I'll create a short, to-the-point proposal for you and go from there. 

3. Website Build

Regardless if you choose a NoBS Website package or have complex needs - we'll go through the steps necessary to design your website, migrate your content & launch your website. 

After launch, we'll move on to the fourth step. 

4. Post-Launch Review

After your website launches, we'll let things settle down and ensure the website is solid and working 110% as intended. 

From here, we will put your website into a "Proactive Maintenance Mode" where we work collaboratively on a monthly basis to keep improving your website. 

Websites are never fully complete, just like your business is never done making money (ever heard someone saying "I make too much money?"). If you need to keep making money, you need to keep making your website better and attracting customers. 

Monthly work costs anywhere from a few hundred a month ($250 to be exact) to a few thousand depending on how much you'd like myself and my team involved. 

5. Keep Improving

Just. Keep. Improving. Always. Now that your website is in Proactive Maintenance mode, we'll meet once a month via Zoom to discuss the month ahead and any specific objectives you'd like to meet. 

All my work is completed within my project management system and not by email. 

Not sure where to start? Or how? 

Let's Zoom!